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Live Your Dream

Live Your Dream

Live your dream

Live your dream

Voices of Live Your Dream

The Live Your Dream Campaign is meant to inspire action towards a better life for young people and women and promote the well-being of the entire family.

The campaign consists of four pillars: Let Girls Be Girls; Books Before Babies; With You(th); and Generation for Generation.

They all connect to one Global outcome of UNFPA’s Mandate in Uganda - End unmet need for family planning; End preventable maternal deaths and; End gender-based violence and harmful practices.


We believe that all women and girls have the right to lead vibrant, dynamic lives where they can be bold in the pursuit of their aspirations and innovative in their dreams for the future. We also believe that our efforts to stand with, speak for and protect them must be equally dynamic, bold and innovative  - UNFPA 2017



Young and old people alike have dreams for themselves, for their families and communities. The Live Your Dream campaign aims to tap into those dreams and inspire and support communities to achieve them. Live Your Dream is UNFPA’s signature campaign, meant to inspire action towards a better life for young people and women and promote the well-being of the entire family.

Live your Dream is based on four pillars

LIVE YOUR DREAM by Letting Girls be Girls: addresses Gender Based Violence, access to Family Planning and prevention of teenage pregnancies

LIVE YOUR DREAM by Choosing Books before Babies: speaks to keeping girls in school, getting proper education about Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and avoiding teenage pregnancies and HIV

LIVE YOUR DREAM – With You(th): reflects UNFPA’s position as lead youth agency, unleashing young people’s potential, empowering for innovation and social change. With You(th) also showcases our work in humanitarian settings where we bring host communities and refugee populations together to build resilience by promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.

LIVE YOUR DREAM by bringing generations together (Generation for Generation - G4G), is about sharing the wisdom of the elderly with the energies of the youth, tapping on the insights of academia with the diversity of views of decision-makers in order to improve policies that affect Uganda's future. 

In order to actualize the campaign pillars, one of the strategies UNFPA employs is dialogue with various communities featuring storytelling and sharing of experiences as a way to inspire social change. The Live Your Dream Moment provides space for young people to interact with celebrities who share their life stories in order to influence young people by emphasizing values of hard work, innovation and persistence. The Generation for Generation dialogues bring together representatives of different generations to discuss socio-economic issues and propose policy solutions that could contribute to the country’s development.  Learn from UNFPA is a series of formal learning sessions whereby young people from various backgrounds, with an interest in social enterprise and leadership are linked with UNFPA staff who offer training and mentorship. In addition, UNFPA works with influencers; celebrities and other prominent personalities to reach communities with messages.

Here are the stories of young people, celebrities and influencers who are engaging with UNFPA through the Live Your Dream Campaign.

Live your Dream series and song

See more of our exciting Live Your Dream materials below: including a fascinating radio drama series and a song by some of Uganda’s top artistes who came together to rally the public to stand up to child marriage.

Singing for change: Baleke song on ending child marriage


Tune in to the Live Your Dream radio drama series as well as  more radio spots in Luganda, Ateso Luo and Karimojong!

Live your dream by letting girls be girls
Addressing gender-based violence, family planning and teenage pregnancy

Live Your Dream - Chairman's story


Live your dream by choosing books before babies
Empowering girls by ensuring universal access to primary and secondary school education, as well as providing age appropriate sexual and reproductive health information



Live your dream –With You(th)
Unleashing young people’s potential by supporting their innovative ideas on social entrepreneurship, education, advocacy, and humanitarian assistance

Live Your Dream - Anita's story


Live your dream by bringing generations together (G4G)
Providing space for young people and elders to conduct inter-generational dialogues to reflect their voices into policies for Uganda’s socio-economic development

Live Your Dream FP SPOT 1