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Girl smiling on cover of UNFPA Uganda Annual Report 2023

Transforming Lives, Inspiring Change

Annual Report

UNFPA Uganda Country Office is proud to present the 2023 Annual Report, "Transforming Lives, Inspiring Change." This report captures our journey and achievements over the past year in advancing the three transformative results: ending the unmet need for family planning, ending preventable maternal deaths, and eliminating gender-based violence and harmful practices in Uganda. Through dedicated efforts and impactful initiatives, we continue to make significant strides towards a healthier, more equitable future for all Ugandans.

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State Of World Population Report (SWOP) 2024

State of World Population Report (SWOP) 2024

State of World Population Report

New UNFPA report finds 30 years of progress in sexual and reproductive health has mostly ignored the most marginalized communities.


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UNFPA Uganda Annual Report 2022

Counting to Zero

Annual Report

 UNFPA Uganda Country office is pleased to share with you its 2022 Annual Report ‘Counting to Zero.’ This report is a snapshot of the achievements of the Country office on the journey to achieving the three transformative results – ending the unmet need for family planning, ending preventable maternal deaths and ending gender-based violence and harmful practices in Uganda.

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Message from the UNFPA Uganda Representative Dr Mary Otieno

UNFPA Uganda Quarterly Newsletter Issue 1 Quarter 1 2023


The first quarter of 2023 was marked by a sequence of important events. UNFPA continued to work with the government of Uganda and partners to accelerate progress toward achieving the three transformative results of zero preventable maternal deaths, zero unmet need for family planning, and zero gender based violence and other harmful practices.

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The UNFPA Uganda Quarterly Newsletter, Issue No 4 (October- December 2022)

UNFPA Uganda Newsletter Quarter 4 2022


The last quarter of 2022 was very significant with two key campaigns winding up the year; marking the ‘Day of 8 billion’ and ‘16 days of activism against gender based violence’.

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The Second National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan (2020/21 – 2024/25)

The Second National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan (2020/21 – 2024/25)

Technical Reports and Document

 The FP-CIP II is a detailed roadmap for achieving the national goals and emanates from her responsibility for, and the necessity to improve maternal and childhealth survival in Uganda. It details the progress, what Uganda is committed to doing, and how Uganda collaborate with partners to achieve these goals.

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The National Family Planning Advocacy Strategy and CIP (2020/21-2024/25)

The National Family Planning Advocacy Strategy and CIP (2020/21-2024/25)

Technical Reports and Document

Uganda’s FP-CIP details the necessary programme activities and costs associated with achieving national goals, providing clear programme-level information on the resources the country must raise domestically and from partners. The plan gives critical direction to Uganda’s FP programme, ensuring that all components of a successful programme are addressed and budgeted for in government and partner programming.

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UNFPA Uganda Quarterly Newsletter, July-September 2022

Right(s) Here: UNFPA Uganda Quarterly Newsletter Issue No 3, July - September 2022


Welcome to the third quarterly newsletter for the UNFPA Uganda Country Office. In this Issue, read how UNFPA Uganda is working with the government of Uganda and development partners to advance the three transformative goals of ensuring zero preventable maternal deaths, zero unmet need for family planning and zero gender based violence and other harmful practices in an effort to attain the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Agenda. Through advocacy for family planning, more funding has been allocated by the Government of Uganda for Reproductive Health commodities, more maternal deaths are being prevented through improved obstetric care, and more young people are gaining access to information to inform their reproductive health choices.

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State of Uganda's Population Report 2022

State of Uganda's Population Report (SUPRE 2022)

Technical Reports and Document

The State of Uganda's Population Report 2022 calls for the acceleration of the demographic transition through investments to attan a faviourable population age structure for sustainable development as Uganda aims to achieve its Vision 2040 and National Development Plans. 

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Right(s) Here: Delivering Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Amid COVID-19. Issue No.3

Right(s) Here: Delivering Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Amid COVID-19. Issue No.3


In this issue, the spotlight is on maternal health and its impact on the sustainable development agenda.

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