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1 December 2023
Silhouetted representation

Overcoming sexual violence and taking charge: Lona’s voice

In 2022, I joined secondary school. I was excited about this new chapter in life, the new journey I was embarking on. I was ecstatic! At first, I... Read more

29 November 2023
Cover photo of Elizabeth

Crossed paths and linked destinies: Safe Spaces bring hope to women and girls in Nyumanzi refugee settlement

The bright rays of the sun cast a promising light on the women and girls who have gathered to celebrate their new and old home for some, a place... Read more

27 November 2023
Emmanuel Losike sitting under a tree.

I am now a changemaker in my community

In the small village of Kanakomol in Moroto District, Uganda, lives a man who has taken a phenomenal journey of transformation. For anyone who knew... Read more

25 November 2023
Gabriella smiling at her home

Engaging Men in Accountable Practice Transformed My Husband

In Napak district, like many of the rural areas in Uganda, women are generally relegated to the kitchen with little support in raising and fending... Read more

29 August 2023
End Teenage Pregnancy HackLab Innovators

UNFPA HackLab engages youth to innovate social change solutions to end teenage pregnancy in Uganda

As part of its initiative to end early and unintended teenage pregnancy through social change innovative solutions, UNFPA, the United Nations Sexual... Read more

11 July 2023
Engaging young people with Sexual and Reproductive Health talks during the World Population Day commemoration in Alebtong Distri

UNFPA and Partners commemorate World Population Day in Alebtong District.

ALEBTONG, 11 JULY 2023, UNFPA Uganda joined the rest of the world to commemorate World Population Day under the global theme: “Unleashing the Power... Read more

30 May 2023
Addressing teenage pregnancy to end obstetric fistula

Commemoration of International Day to Eliminate Obstetric Fistula: Progress for Tuhase, challenges remain for Uganda's women and girls

On 30 May, UNFPA Uganda joined the Ministry of Health and other partners in Hoima City to observe the International Day to Eliminate Obstetric... Read more

11 May 2023
Swop launch 2023

UNFPA Uganda launches State of the World Population Report 2023: “8 Billion Lives, Infinite Possibilities: The Case for Rights and Choices”

Kampala, 11 May 2023 – Uganda launched The State of World Population Report (SWOP) on 11 May. The report was initially launched globally on 29 April... Read more

10 May 2023
Hon. Matia Kasaija, the Minister of Finance signing the Compact agreement at Sheraton Hotel Kampala

UNFPA Supplies Partnership Phase III: Fostering Increased Sustainable Financing from Domestic Resources towards family planning and maternal health in Uganda

Kampala, 10 May 2023 – On 10 May 2023, UNFPA, in partnership with the government of Uganda, signed a compact under the UNFPA Supplies Partnership, at... Read more

5 May 2023
Midwifery: Nurse Edna Hilario performing Auscultation of Firosa's baby during her pregnancy consultation.

Statement by UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on the International Day of the Midwife 2023

Every year on this day, we celebrate midwives for their unwavering commitment to saving lives and ensuring the health and wellbeing of women and... Read more
