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TEREGO, Uganda – June 19, 2024: UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund and the Embassy of Japan in Uganda today launched the Delivering Lifesaving Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Interventions in Emergency (DELISiE) project. This US$ 1,001,855 initiative, generously funded by the Government of Japan through the Embassy of Japan in Uganda, aims to deliver responsive, people-centered, lifesaving SRHR and GBV services to newly arriving refugees and disaster-affected populations across Uganda by the end of December 2024. The project will be conducted in close partnership with the Government of Uganda and partners from diverse sectors, including UNHCR, OPM, ACORD and Peace Winds Japan.

DELISiE is implemented in five refugee settlements—Nakivale/Uruchinga, Kyaka II, Palabek, Imvepi/Omugo and Rhino Camp—as well as disaster-prone districts including Kapchorwa, Manafwa, Namisindwa, Kween, Ntoroko, Kasese/Kisoro and Bundibugyo. The project aims  to extend critical SRHR and GBV services, reduce maternal deaths and unwanted pregnancies, and address GBV prevalence among the most vulnerable populations by enhancing access to SRHR services, improving health infrastructure, developing GBV response capacities, and strengthening health system preparedness for humanitarian disasters.

This partnership between UNFPA and Japan is crucial in realizing shared focus on supporting vulnerable women, enhancing SRHR, and addressing GBV among refugees and host communities. It highlights Japan's dedication to humanitarian causes and global health, with a significant impact on vulnerable women, refugees, and disaster-affected populations in Uganda. It also underscores their mutual commitment to improving the lives of the most vulnerable and ensuring their health and safety in emergencies.

The launch of DELISiE on the eve of World Refugee Day is a testament to UNFPA and the people of Japan standing in solidarity with the over 1.6 million refugees who have found refuge in Uganda, recognizing their courage and resilience in seeking a safer future.

Through the project, UNFPA and the government of Japan will work towards a future where all vulnerable individuals have access to essential SRHR services and protection from GBV, ensuring a healthier, safer, and more equitable world for generations to come.


For more information contact:


United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA):

Ms Chan Ju Park

Resource Mobilization and Partnerships Specialist



Embassy of Japan in Uganda:

Mr. Hiroyuki Hayashi

First Secretary,  



Ms. Aoi Kato

