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UK Government invests US$ 4 million to support Uganda address the population challenge and improve family planning uptake

UK Government invests US$ 4 million to support Uganda address the population challenge and improve family planning uptake

Press Release

UK Government invests US$ 4 million to support Uganda address the population challenge and improve family planning uptake

calendar_today 07 March 2018

State Minister for Youth& Children Affairs Hon. Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi (2nd left) launches the Support to Address Uganda’s Population Challenge and Improve Family Planning Uptake Programme. She is flanked by (from left to right) Ms Jennie Barugh Head of Office, UK Department for International Development in Uganda, UNFPA Representative Mr. Alain Sibenaler , Mr. Charles Zirarema of National Population Council and Hon. Peace Mutuzo, Minister of State for Gender and Culture ©UNFPA Uganda


KAMPALA – Wednesday, March 7, 2018: The UK Government has signed a five-year agreement (2018-2022) with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), providing Pound Sterling 3 million, equivalent to US Dollars 4 million, to support Government of Uganda’s efforts to address the population challenge and improve family planning uptake.

The key focus areas of the programme align with Government of Uganda’s priorities to: develop, adopt and monitor performance of an innovative financing mechanism for family planning; support a multi sectoral approach to adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights in order to increase access to age appropriate sexuality information and services; strengthen the health system for effective, efficient, equitable and sustainable family planning service delivery; strengthen partner coordination to provide sexual and reproductive health services to high burden and hard to reach populations including humanitarian settings; and to generate evidence to influence policy and decision making so as to accelerate harnessing of the demographic dividend.

“This is a very strategic intervention that is supported by the UK Government,” said Mr. Alain Sibenaler, UNFPA Representative. “Family Planning gives women and couples choice that, in turn, opens up larger possibilities and adds quality to their lives. Women and girls became more empowered to contribute economically, hence a spur to socio-economic transformation. We are honoured to count on the strong leadership and ownership by the Government of Uganda in this regard.”

Uganda’s Vision 2040 recognizes that if unchecked, the country’s high fertility and resultant high population growth rate can become a challenge in the realization of upper middle income status by 2040. According to the Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS, 2016), 28% of women who would like to use a modern form of contraception do not have access. Besides, girls start giving birth early – one in four girls age 15-19 have either given birth or are pregnant with their first child.

Support from UKaid will address key drivers to Uganda’s population challenges including low level of education, especially among girls, harmful practices such as child marriage, gender based violence and teenage pregnancy, among other issues.

“Working with the Government of Uganda to develop its human capital and unleash the potential its young population is a top priority for the UK Government. There’s a lot of good research out there on the inter-relationship and large scale economic and social returns of tackling child marriage, ensuring that girls stay on and complete a full cycle of secondary education and delaying childbirth. UKaid looks forward to working with all its partners to tackle some of these key drivers of Uganda’s population challenge.” Jennie Barugh, Head of Office, at the UK’s Department for International Development in Uganda.

At the Family Planning Summit in London in July 2017, Uganda recommitted to advance family planning through effective implementation of policies that will enhance delivery of services through innovative financing; expanding the range of contraceptives; empowering young people to thrive; and implementing interventions to reach the hardest to reach. 

“Support from the UK Government is in line with President Museveni’s promise to rally Development Partners to contribute and match Uganda’s effort to invest in family planning. We welcome the initiative especially at this time when Uganda is focusing on how the country will  harness its Demographic Dividend through strategic investments in  education, health and skilling of young people,” said Dr. Jotham Musinguzi, Director General, National Population Council.

The programme will be implemented at national level with regard to policy and system issues with specific interventions in hard-to-reach and refugee-hosting districts including Abim, Amudat, Moroto, Nakapiripirit, Kaabong, Napak, Kotido, Moyo, Adjumani, Yumbe, Arua, Koboko, Lamwo, Kiryandongo, Kyegegwa, Kamwenge, Hoima, Bundibugyo and Isingiro.

“We are grateful to the UK Government for this generosity and commit to use the funds strengthen systems for family planning (FP) service delivery and management including in hard-to-reach areas,” said Hon. Sarah Opendi, Minister of State for Health, General Duties.


-END –


For more information contact:


Ms. Prossy Nakanjako, Team Leader Communications, Media and External Relations

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Tel: +256 4177 44500, Email: nakanjako@unfpa.org


Ms. Stella Kigozi, Director, Information & Communications

National Population Council (NPC), Tel: + 256 414 705407, Email: stella.kigozi@npcsec.go.ug


Ms. India Perry, Communications Lead

Department for International Development (DFID), Kampala

Tel.: +256 772 700042, Email: i-perry@dfid.gov.uk




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