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Ahead of World Population Day, leaders from northern region commit to address inequalities

Ahead of World Population Day, leaders from northern region commit to address inequalities


Ahead of World Population Day, leaders from northern region commit to address inequalities

calendar_today 09 July 2018

District chairpersons from Acholi and Lango sub regions committed to take action to address inequality in all its forms

Omoro, July 9 2018

At the close of a pre-World Population Day stakeholders  meeting held in Omoro district,  leaders from 16 districts in northern Uganda have signed on to  a declaration committing to  tackle inequalities in their respective districts.

“We commit to supporting investments to improve service delivery and accountability in an effective and efficient manner to ensure that no one is left behind,” reads part of the statement by the district chairpersons.   

The declaration came at the end of the meeting organised by the national Population Council and UNFPA as part of the events to commemorate World Population Day which will take place in Omoro district on July 11. 

Delivering a presentation titled Leaving no one behind in Uganda: Addressing inequalities – Focus on Lango and Acholi Sub regions UNFPA representative Mr. Alain Sibenaler highlighted a number of inequalities in the economic, education, employment and health spheres. He specifically highlighted inequalities in sexual and reproductive health nothing that these directly correlate with the high level of poverty in the region.

Mr Sibenaler called for home grown solutions to address challenges at district level. “Everything happens at the local level. It starts with us,” he said.

The LC 5 chairperson Agago district contributes to the discussion
during the meeting

In response, in their declaration the district chairpersons committed to mainstream population issues in district development plans and budgets. They also committed to allocate resources to address the high prevalence of teenage pregnancy and child marriage. Specifically the leaders committed to support the roll out of the Live Your Dream Campaign to ensure that girls enrol and stay in school and are protected from sexual violence and all other forms of gender based violence.

The leaders also pledged to monitor implementation of the provisions of the declaration by an Inter-district Task Force (IDTF) comprised of District Chairpersons of the sixteen districts, representatives of the cultural, traditional and religious institutions.

Participating districts:


1.            Omoro

2.            Gulu

3.            Lamwo

4.            Pader

5.            Kitgum

6.            Amuru

7.            Agago

8.            Nwoya

9.            Apac

10.          Alebtong

11.          Amolatar

12.          Dokolo

13.          Kole

14.          Lira

15.          Otuke

16.          Oyam


Read the full declaration here:





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