In deliberate efforts to advance humanitarian programming and action, UNFPA Country Office has repositioned as a humanitarian agency and playing a leading role in ensuring access t...
Partnership between UNFPA Uganda and Korea International Cooperation Agency is supporting efforts to prevent adolescent pregnancy and reap the girl effect. One of the highlig...
UNFPA supports the Ministry of Health in Uganda to ensure that every woman, girl, boy and man can access Reproductive Health commodities of their choice whenever theyneed them...
Linked together in a complex cycle of causes and consequences, sexual and reproductive ill health including HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) remain major public...
The growing number of specialized courts and judicial initiatives in Uganda and the varied approaches they take indicate that the judiciary, government, communities and servic...
UNFPA the United Nations Population Fund works to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every child birth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. ...
State of World Population Report
Not so long ago, most people had large families: five children, on average. Where once there was one global fertility rate, today there are many, with differences wider than at any...
Technical Reports and Document
Uganda Vision 2040 identifies the strengthening of human capital development as a key catalyst for economic transformation of the country into middle income status, based on attain...