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5 May 2017

Midwives, Mothers and Families: Partners for Life

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, celebrates the heroic and life-saving work that midwives do every day, often in very trying circumstances. Thanks to midwives, millions of women each year... Read more

5 May 2017

Uganda needs more midwives

By Umar Weswala Today, Uganda joins the international community to commemorate the annual International Midwifery Day – 5th May. The national event is being held at Boma Grounds in Fort Portal Town... Read more

20 April 2017

Restoring dignity for mothers delivering in emergencies

During conflict and other emergencies, women and girls, many of them pregnant or lactating mothers remain among the most severely affected groups. But for a visually-impaired mother with a new baby... Read more

20 April 2017

Responding to needs of mothers delivering in emergencies

LAMWO, Northern Uganda: At a refugee reception centre in northern Uganda, nine refugee mothers stood in a single-file line cuddling their newborn babies all wrapped up in heavy wool blankets. Visibly... Read more

4 April 2017

Maternal health voucher initiative opens doors for safe deliveries

“I feel so happy that I was able to deliver my baby safely. I received good care and attention from the health workers here; my baby and I were in good hands,” says Alice Nalubwama from her bed in... Read more

29 March 2017

Nurturing partnerships to advance the Sustainable Development Goals

“From the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals.”  That was the point of discussion as about 20 representatives from government agencies dealing with population issues... Read more

20 March 2017
A decline in maternal mortality

More safe births as more women embrace family planning, skilled delivery

According to the survey report, the proportion of women attended to by a skilled provider while giving birth has increased over the years, from 45... Read more

10 March 2017
Press Release

UNFPA Country Representative presents credentials to Minister of Foreign Affairs

Kampala, 10 March 2017 - The Hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs Sam Kutesa, has today, Friday 10th March 2017 received Credentials for the incoming Country Representatives of the United Nations... Read more

16 February 2017

Pokot men are falling for “uncircumcised women”

The decision by many of the Pokot men to defy the gods and marry “uncircumcised women” has given courage and hope to many Pokot girls to say no to... Read more

20 December 2016

‘I will protect my daughters’

“My wife told me how much she suffered when she was cut (female genital mutilation) at the age of 14. She also faced a hard time during the delivery... Read more
