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"Better Life For Girls" End of Project Evaluation

"Better Life For Girls" End of Project Evaluation


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UNFPA with funding from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has been implementing a two- and-a - half year multi-sectoral project aimed at accelerating action to prevent teenage pregnancy and child marriage among adolescent girls in Uganda. The project titled ‘Better Life for Girls’ (BL4G) was launched in May 2016 to advance efforts aimed at preventing teenage pregnancy and child marriage and is scheduled to end in December 2018 with a goal is to strengthen national capacity to deliver improved sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) outcomes and socioeconomic empowerment for adolescent girls in Uganda. The objective is to accelerate action in preventing teenage pregnancy and child marriage by mobilizing communities, strengthening youth friendly service provision and skills based SRHR education including HIV prevention for adolescent girls aged 10-19 years.

UNFPA seeks to undertake an end of project evaluation as a means of assessing to what extent the planned 'Better Life for Girls' project outcomes and outputs were achieved including the overall results, effects/changes realized, good practices, challenges faced and lessons learnt. The evaluation will cover all the 14 supported districts that were included in the baseline evaluation. It will also include a representative sample of health facilities, schools, ELA clubs and project beneficiaries. The findings will be used by Government, UNFPA, KOICA, partner organizations and other stakeholders to develop/scale up plans, strategies and interventions aimed at accelerating action to prevent teenage pregnancy and child marriage among adolescent girls in Uganda.