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The Certificate of Compliance for the Annual Budget FY 2019/20 to Demographic Dividend (Assessment Report)

The Certificate of Compliance for the Annual Budget FY 2019/20 to Demographic Dividend (Assessment Report)
The Certificate of Compliance for the Annual Budget FY 2019/20 to Demographic Dividend (Assessment Report)


National Planning Authority

Number of pages



National Planning Authority

Technical Reports and Document

The Certificate of Compliance for the Annual Budget FY 2019/20 to Demographic Dividend (Assessment Report)

Publication date

13 April 2021

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The Uganda Vision 2040 identifies the country’s abundant human resource as one of the key fundamentals that need to be strengthened to accelerate the country’s transformation through harnessing of the potential demographic dividend. The demographic dividend is defined in the National Population Policy as “an opportunity for economic growth and development that arises as a result of changes in population age structure which are likely to happen when fertility rates decline significantly, prompting the share of the working-age population to increase in relation to previous years” (NPC, 2018). The Certificate of Compliance (CoC) for the Annual Budget FY 2019/200 to Demographic Dividend aims at ensuring that the National Budget and local government budgets are focused on implementation of the National Development Plans (NDPs) to achieve the demographicc dividend.