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The UNFPA Country Office has received USD 72,000 as part of the new funding for implementation of phrase II of the 2 gether 4 SRHR project through Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights/HIV /Gender Based Violence (SRHR/HIV/GBV) integration. The funds will be used as catalytic funds to address inequities related to SRHR/HIV and GBV especially among the adolescents and young people in the two eastern Uganda districts of Kamuli and Namayingo with high HIV rates, teenage pregnancy and fertility. The support will include engagement with the young people, district leaders, cultural leaders and will reach adolescents, young people and key populations.

2gether4SRHR is a comprehensive regional programme with applied learning in ten countries, funded by the Regional SRHR Team of Sweden. The programme aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of all people in East and Southern Africa, particularly adolescent girls, young people and key populations, by promoting an integrated approach to SRHR, HIV and gender-based violence. Fostering the “Delivering as One” UN agenda, it combines the unique strengths and contributions of UNFPA, UNAIDS, UNICEF and WHO.